Jay Callahan Jay Callahan

God Didn’t Smite You After All… Now What?

Leaving high control religion often leaves folks wondering, “Now what?” How do you know you’re doing the “right” things without rules telling you what to do? Can you learn to embrace the unknown?

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Jay Callahan Jay Callahan

Former Church Kid Problems: Sunday Brunch Edition

For many people who grew up going to church religiously, the decision to go less often or stop going completely can feel strange and guilt-inducing. So how do we embrace the idea of ditching church for Sunday brunch and allow ourselves the freedom to enjoy ourselves?

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Jay Callahan Jay Callahan

To Ask or Not to Ask: That is the (Scary) Question

Doubting the beliefs you’ve grown up with is common. For many people, asking tough questions about what they’ve been taught is a normal part of growing up. But for those who have grown up in highly controlled environments, asking tough questions can be scary and confusing.

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