Have a question you’d like answered? 

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for here, feel free to contact me. I’d love to address your specific questions. 

How do I get the most out of sessions? 

You just bring you! My job is to adapt and support you in whatever capacity you show up. That being said, therapy is a collaboration that works best when you’re reflecting ahead of time on how you want to spend our time together. 

Consider what have been the highs and lows you’ve experienced between our sessions. We want to celebrate your wins as well as discuss the hard stuff. The good news is, you can’t do therapy wrong. If you show up ready to connect and engage, we are good to go! 

Does online EMDR therapy work?

Yes, it works great!  Seeing me from your own space gives us opportunities to build emotional regulation and calming skills right where you need them. You can have your pets and comforting items alongside you the whole time. There are also no interruptions due to weather or other environmental factors. I have found online therapy to be just as effective as in person, and it allows even more flexibility for my clients. 

Do you see couples?

No I do not. However, I do incorporate partners into individual therapy for specific topics or concerns that would be best addressed together. Common examples would be education about the impact of trauma on sexual functioning or what activation of trauma can look like. In this case, we would troubleshoot communication barriers and work on learning to set healthy boundaries and expectations. 

I find that often there are individual concerns related to past wounds that are interfering with my clients current relationships. We often must address and tend to those before jumping into current relationship struggles.

Do you take insurance?

No, I am out of network with all insurance. I can accept HSA/FSA and provide superbills for out of network reimbursement. I also have a sliding scale fee to help reduce barriers to care. Please feel free to reach out with your questions about cost and accessibility. 

What are some other resources for LGBTQ+ folks? 


OutCare is the nation’s first comprehensive resource for LGBTQ+ healthcare offering provider and healthcare resource directories, mentorship, medical education reform, and cultural competency training.” 

Rainbow Health Minnesota

Rainbow Health Minnesota is “working for equitable health care access and outcomes for people who experience injustice at the intersection of health status and identity. We center individuals and communities at risk of and living with HIV or facing barriers to equitable health care access and outcomes because of their identity as gender, sexual, and/or racial minorities.” 

OutFront Minnesota

OutFront Minnesota’s mission is to create a state where lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people are free to be who they are, love who they love, and live without fear of violence, harassment or discrimination.”

The Aliveness Project

The Aliveness Project was founded as a community center for and driven by people living with HIV. For over 30 years, we have been facilitating connection to community, offering nutrition & wellness services, and linking our members to resources to lead fulfilling & healthy lives.”

Do you provide in-person therapy?

No, I am currently living in Europe and am only able to provide telehealth services. I have found telehealth to allow for increased consistency of sessions and provide opportunities to process information comfortably in your home environment. In my experience, this can lead to fuller integration of emotion regulation skills.    

How are superbills provided for out-of-network reimbursements?

Superbills are documents that contain all the information you will need to submit to your insurance for reimbursement. They come out on the 10th of each month for the previous month. This means that there is often a delay in getting your reimbursement from your insurance company. Feel free to reach out directly if you have further questions about the payment process.